
The culture and History of the Guo State

第一部分 虢旗猎猎

The first part Guo’s flag fluttering in the wind

第一单元 胙土命氏 封邦建国——分封、疆域、五虢播迁

The first unit

Zuo Tu Ming Shi Feng Bang Jian Guo

(zuo tu ming shi was a patriarchal clan system that observed the lineal primogeniture system in ancient china.

feng bang jian guo means that emperor divided his terriots to other brothers except his capital of kingdom.)

﹉﹉enfeoffment、territory、migration of five families named Guo


The content of illustration plate of artifacts on display


Bronze XU with characters ‘Guo Zhong’(XU, a bronze vessel used for holding food)


Western ZHOU dynasty (1046BC -771BC)


In 1990, it was unearthed at the tomb of Guo zhong M2009 of Guo state tombs.


The XU and its cover all have epigraphs with three lines of 14 chacracters. This was Bronze XU Guo zhong made for his wife, and it reflected themarriage relationship between Guo State and Su State. According to scholars, the location of Su State is Wen county, Jiaozuo, Henan area.


The inscription explains that Guo zhong made a XU for his wife, and the generations can use it forever.


Bronze XU with characters ‘Shou shu’


Western ZHOU dynasty (1046BC -771BC)


it was unearthed at the tomb of Meng ji M2006 of Guo state tombs in 1990.


The XU and its cover all have epigraphs with four lines of 33 characters.

Shou State nobles made their daughters who married Guo State Bronze XU, which reflected the marriage relationship between Guo State and Shou State. According to scholars, the location of Shou State is in Shan county, Shandong province.


The inscription explains that Shou shu (beast uncle,a nickname)Huan fu made his daughter who named Meng ji a XU, it was used to holding cereals, such as rice, millet, dlutinous, and the honored guests can enjoy it.

If offsprings can use bronze XU for holding food, it will be used for a long time.


Bronze plate with characters ‘Guo jing’


Western ZHOU dynasty (1046BC -771BC)


In 2008, Linfen police station in Shanxi province discovered Bronze plate when combating smuggling, and then turned over the relevant departments.


The plate was used for water container when ancient people have hand washing etiquette. People used plate and He (pitcher)together in the early and middle Western Zhou dynasty, but after the late Western Zhou dynasty, people used plate and Yi(water container)together

This plate has epigraphs with 2 lines of 8 characters, and it was Guojiang made and used it for himself.


The inscription explains that Guojiang made this plate and it can use forever.



在查找博物馆文物翻译时,英语与汉语的命名方式不同, 英语讲究严谨的语法结构和语序。汉语的文物名称通常把定语修饰词并列放置在前面, 关键词在最后。而英语习惯将重点放在前面, 修饰词放在后面。经查资料发现文物名称的英译可以套用“形制+质地+[拼音名称 (斜体) ]+英文名称+纹饰/铭文/彩绘/其他特征”这一结构进行翻译



翻译采用多归化的方法,以通俗的句子来传达出有效的信息,例如,有饲则万年无疆,子子孙孙永宝用。按照中文理解,如果一直使用,子子孙孙可以用很久,所以英文中翻译为If offsprings can use bronze XU for holding food, it will be used for a long time.

还有第三个文物是在2008年打私移交中发现的。但是文中只给时间地点,成分不全,所以采用归化,重新归纳总结,认为应该是2008年临汾市公安局在打私过程中发现文物,并将文物移交给相关部门。据此理解翻译为In 2008, Linfen police station in Shanxi province discovered Bronze plate when combating smuggling, and then turned over the relevant departments.

在本篇文物翻译中所用的词语都非常通俗易懂, 且篇幅较短, 可以对国外观众, 尤其对自助游客的参观起到一定的辅助作用
